Freya's Spiritual Journey into Unity Consciousness

About Freya

Freya Maia is a mystic and Pleiadian emissary incarnated at this time to assist the

evolution of consciousness into the New Human and the New Earth reality of Unity Consciousness.

Her own story of Spiritual Awakening, Enlightenment and extraordinary mystical experiences

covering 30+ years is shared in the Myth of Reality Podcast, the first public

sharing of her extraordinary journey of initiation into higher consciousness.

"The nature of our perception of reality is transforming. I'm sharing my story now not to make people believe

in it but in the hope that the hearing of it might open the listener to the deeper nature of this

reality and assist them in navigating this unprecedented transformational experience."


  • What is Reality? Is it transforming?

  • Why am I sharing my journey now?

  • 'It Begins' with the Groundhog Day 'Dream'

  • Waking up in love: the arrival of 'Something Else'

  • Art as Guru: Brancussi's Gift

  • Pain as Guru

  • Called to the Pyramids: Yucatan and Giza

  • Who are the Warriors of the Rainbow?

  • The Dream Lesson: All is Number and Pattern

  • The Man from the Dream visits

  • The Loss of Linear time: Reality Unravels

  • Rejecting the Shaman's Path.

  • Another Voice Speaks

  • The Lights in the Sky and the Light in my mind.

  • John Cage and the I-Ching - 9/11 predictions?

  • Discovering Earth Energies

  • The Enlightenment Prediction

  • The Walk-In soul retrieval - grieving my own death

  • Kundalini Awakens

  • The Simone Weil Synchronicity & Waiting for God

  • Energy Clearing and the Man with the bees

  • Fear lets go

  • The Fall & the Alchemy of Acceptance

  • The 'Enlightenment' - Mary and white light

  • Goodbye Freya

  • The Insight - The Power of Acceptance - StillFlow

  • Sharing 'The Love' with a friend

  • The words of the Emperor in Rome

  • Quan Yin's Birthday

  • Encountering Kali - what is a Godess?

  • A Message from the Seven Sisters

  • Living out the Myth of the Three Sisters

  • Falling through Reality

  • Terror at the Aboriginal Site

  • Does the Show really need to go on?

  • Sharing 'The Love' with a stranger

  • The Ants

  • Woolumbin Calls

  • Strange Encounter with the 'little man'

  • Remember the'Contract' - the 'Pleiadian Blue'

  • Woolumbin Crystals

  • Secrets in The Fields

  • Back to the UK - to manifest a Crop Circle

  • The Pleiadian Books

  • Cley Hill Crop Circle - plasma being photos

  • Sky Creatures?

  • Woolumbin Crystals at Cley Hill

  • The Stone Henge Mounds

  • The orbs in the house & at Glastonbury

  • Jay's Sacred Geometry and 'The Offer'

  • The Archon Encounter - John Lash

  • The Peace Intention

  • Called to Egypt during the Uprising

  • The GDV Camera

  • Wessex Astrum

  • Xel Lungold - The Evolution of Consciousness

  • Terrence McKenna - Time Wave Zero

  • The Torus - Breath of Life - The Great Year

  • The Hero's Journey

  • The Pleiadian Star portal at Stonehenge

  • A coded message from Oz moves us to Ireland

  • Falling through the portal

  • The Gold Hoard

  • Tara - Stone Circles - Truffles and the Tuatha De Dannan (everything is connected)

  • In search of the gold necklace

  • The final battle and being Nuadda

  • "We've found the Gold - it's in the Museum"

  • The gold jewellery of Tulla is more than decoration

  • The Dragon, the Unicorn and the Language of the Birds

  • The Hillfort - The Hotel and The Swan Neck

  • Clearing a Battlefield - or not!

  • Encountering the Green Stone and MEONIA

  • Pathways entwine

  • The Torus returns - the Breath of Life

  • The Oroborus - MEONIA - I AM ONE

  • Conversations with Guiseppe La Rosa.

  • Enlightenment - Alchemy - The Goddess - Gnosis - the Great Year Cycle - The Final Battle.